Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Executive Unit for the Management of Financing Agricultural Projects and Initiatives in Dhamar Province implemented on Wednesday a field training program for farmers in the Ans Directorate, on the safe use of pesticides and integrated management of agricultural pest control.

The training targeted 45 farmers from various areas of the directorate in Thi Sahar area, as part of efforts aimed at reducing the dangers caused by the random use of pesticides.

Dr. Adel Omar, Director of the Executive Unit in Dhamar, stressed the importance of educating farmers about the safe use of pesticides and the risks they cause to humans, living organisms and the environment.

Dr. Omar explained that farmers received knowledge and information about the types of pesticides, and the methods of applying precautions when using them before, during and after spraying, as well as first aid methods and the necessary procedures in the event of acute poisoning by pesticides.

He pointed out that farmers also received knowledge about
the practical practice of spraying pesticides, and methods of combating agricultural pests, starting with identifying the type of pests , pesticides and the precautions that must be followed before, during and after spraying.

Source: Yemen News Agency