Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Nablus – Together – An-Najah National University was distinguished by being the only Palestinian university that succeeded in entering the Times World Classification of Universities in Asia (THE Asia University Rankings 2024) issued by the British Times Higher Education Foundation, where ‘Najah’ achieved all the required standards.

The Times Higher Education ranking of Asian universities for 2024 included: Conducting a comprehensive assessment of universities active in research fields across five basic axes: teaching, research environment, research quality, international standing, and industry.

Prof. Dr. expressed Abdel Nasser Zaid, President of the University, expressed his pride in this achievement, stressing that the University continues to excel in various international classifications, and works within an academic and research strategy that keeps pace with international standards, which enhances the role of An-Najah National University as a leading institution in the field of higher education and scien
tific research.

The Times World Classification of Asian Universities is based on 18 performance indicators related to teaching, scientific research, knowledge transfer, and international questionnaires. These indicators evaluate five main areas: teaching (learning environment): 24.5%, research environment (volume or rate of research productivity, research income, reputation): 28%, citations (research impact): 30%, international standing (international students, international professors, international collaborations): 7.5% and application in industry (knowledge transfer): 10%.

It is worth noting that there are main criteria for entering universities in this classification: Among them is that the university published more than 1,000 research papers over the past five years, and more than 150 research papers per year.

To view the classification results: click here

Source: Maan News Agency