Sat. Sep 14th, 2024


Amran province has taken on a new look to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday occasion.

Since Safar, cities, streets and neighborhoods have been adorned with , banners, light panels, colors and phrases welcoming this precious occasion, in addition to holding activities, events, speech , cultural evenings, and light parades that roamed the streets of Amran city, Khamar city and other districts, forming a faithful painting radiating spirituality.

While the second square in Houth district will include the people of Harf Sufyan, Al-Asha, Qafla Athar, Al-Madan, Sawir, Shahara, Habur Dhalima, Bani Sareem and Khamr.

The various manifestations of joy and celebration reflected the greatness of the occasion in Amran people’s hearts and Yemen in general, who supported the Holy Prophet, peace , blessings be upon him and his family, and carried on their shoulders the torches of science and knowledge, the banners of victory and the spread the equality and justice values.

Source: Yemen News Ag