Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Like other economic sectors that have been subjected to American targeting and conspiracies over the past decades, the oil sector has suffered a large share of damage as a result of the hostile activities of the American-Israeli spy network.

According to the confessions made by a member of the American-Zionist spy network called Hisham Al-Wazir, the oil and minerals sector has received its share of conspiracies and systematic targeting, which prevented the Yemeni people from benefiting from this vital sector, and from harnessing its huge revenues to serve development and achieve an economic renaissance, as happened in many countries in the region and the world.

The Americans focused on everything that would disrupt this sector, starting with obtaining information about promising places for producing oil and minerals in Yemen, carrying out exploratory operations away from the official side, and obstructing any exploratory endeavors or activities of any other companies.

In the context of his confessions, th
e spy Hisham al-Wazir stated that the Americans’ focus was on the promising sectors in Yemen, primarily oil, minerals, and the energy sector, which they saw as promising sectors in which American companies could have a great and direct interest.

The Americans sought, through their companies and clients, to acquire any feasible and promising investments in the oil and gas fields, and the extraction of precious metals such as gold, precious stones, glass, iron, and copper, in a way that would guarantee their companies the largest share of them, including in the electricity sector.

The spy and minister confirmed that the Americans have information about all of Yemen’s oil, gas, and mineral potential through the US Geological Survey itself, which is confidential information that not even the Yemenis are aware of, but only the US government and its subsidiaries are aware of.

According to the confessions, the Americans were interested in obtaining all information about the developments and conditions of producti
on in the oil fields, the financial returns achieved, and the problems faced by companies in the production areas and fields, especially with the tribes and local communities, as well as the relationship of these companies with the government.

The spy revealed dangerous information that he obtained from his manager at work, Roland McKay, that many oil wells in Shabwa and Hadramaut were filled and closed immediately after they were drilled because they contained large quantities of oil.

He stated that these wells were being closed through Oxia and Total so that they could postpone the extraction of oil from them until later times, ensuring that they would achieve greater profits, and so that they could conclude corrupt deals with the government that would allow these companies to acquire these wells at the lowest possible cost and in the best possible way commercial concessions, in percentage terms.

The minister’s spy confirmed that these wells were closed and darkened, and no one saw them except very limit
ed people in the government and the head of the former regime, while the maps specifying the locations of these wells remained in the hands of the companies that carried out the exploration process, most notably the American company “Oxcel”, “Total” company, and “Exxon”Mobile”.

He stated that these maps were not seen even by the Ministry of Oil and Minerals , the Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority, as the official maps that were in the hands of the Ministry showed only the promising oil sectors.

The spy Hisham Al-Wazir also revealed the secret meetings that American Roland McKay held with oil company managers, either in their houses or in his private house, or at parties that were held for foreigners.

As for the spy Jamil Al-Faqih, he confirmed that the Americans focused greatly on collecting information about the entire oil sector, whether in the government sector or the commercial sector, as they were searching for the plans of the Ministry of Oil and the nature of its activity, the entities
affiliated with the Ministry, and the laws that regulate its work.

He stated that the Americans were also interested in collecting information about the oil company, the gas company, the Oil Exploration , Extraction Authority, and other information about the nature of the oil company’s work and activity, the amount of oil that Yemen consumes, the amount of imported oil, the volume of the country’s oil production, and the oil company’s stock.

As well as The gas company and the amount of gas imported through the import ports, how the gas is transported, as well as the Oil Exploration Authority, and how the relationship between oil companies is regulated, in addition to the number of oil companies operating in the country.

The spy Al-Faqih admitted that the American officer ‘Darren’ asked him to prepare a study on the oil companies operating in Yemen, whether production companies or oil services, and the study included information about the companies and administrative bodies for communication, and the nature
of the companies’ work in a way that serves the American side , gives it a general , comprehensive view of the oil sector , companies existing and working there.

The spy cell’s confessions revealed a dangerous aspect of the American conspiracies against the oil sector, which were carried out in coordination with the corrupt regimes and governments at the time, which turned this vital sector into a theater of tampering, plunder and corruption by American companies and other foreign companies in exchange for sums of money received by senior officials and influential people in the country. The regime took bribes as part of disastrous corruption deals, which resulted in depriving Yemen of significant revenues that could have transformed its economic reality.

Source: Yemen News Agency