Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

The leader of the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called on the (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and the (Arab League) to take a firm position to criminalize dealing with Israel due to its violation of all international and humanitarian norms and its endless criminality and America’s support for it in this direction.

Al-Sadr stipulated for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League to take a firm position, which stipulates the following: First: Criminalizing dealing with Israel, and imposing isolation on any Arab or Islamic country that has normalized or is normalizing its relations with the terrorist Zionist entity.

Second: Neutralizing American interventions in our Arab and Islamic countries and neutralizing their embassies, and even trying to sever economic relations with them.

Third: Unified official Islamic Arab governmental action to issue resolutions from within the United Nations or the Security Council against the terrorist entity.

Fourth: Regarding the Iraqi issue.. I demand that the parliament issue a parliamentary decision, far from violence, to reduce the American diplomatic representation as a first stage, and if the Iraqi government does not implement it.. the parliament is supposed to represent the Iraqi people.

He expressed his readiness to support the decision popularly.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency