Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called for supporting Gaza with a million-man demonstration in Tahrir Square in Baghdad.

Al-Sadr said in a statement: “To those who believe in the Palestinian cause, and to those who love peace and hate Zionist terrorism and its massacres, I call on my Iraqi brothers of all stripes except the corrupt, to go out in a million-man demonstration that reflects a true image of the extent of the sympathy of the jealous Iraqi people with the Palestinian cause and with their afflicted brothers in Gaza, on the first Friday after the 17th of Rabi’ 1 of this year, when the greatest light and the most honorable Messenger Muhammad were born, may God bless him and his family.”

He added: “A peaceful demonstration in Tahrir Square in Baghdad, wearing shrouds if possible, so that your voice and image reach the entire world. Do not fall short in that, I hope for sure, as this is what pleases God, His Messenger, his family, and our great authorities, the living and the dead

Source: National Iraqi News Agency