Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

A member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, emphasized the falsity of the Western claim of women’s rights, and that demanding women’s rights in the Western way is an open conspiracy aimed at corrupting Muslim women and making them approach the vulgar Western women’s model.

That came during his participation in the closing ceremony of the training courses program of the Women’s Center for Crafts and Handicrafts, which was organized by the center under the auspices of the Culture and Tourism Ministry , coinciding with the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth anniversary.

The member of the Supreme Political Office pointed out that Islam has honored and elevated women, saying: “There is a big difference between women’s freedom and their liberation, as the former is guaranteed by Islam within legal controls to preserve them, not to restrict them, confiscate their freedom and make them a commodity for vulgarity.

The member of the Supreme Political Council pointed out that Yemeni wom
en are the main axis in the development process given the list of tasks they undertake, saying: “This long list of tasks makes her one of the heroes of society. She is the foundation and she is the school.”

He pointed out that “Yemeni society looks at Yemeni women with pride for their modesty, faith, preservation of their identity and their conscious faith movement, unlike Western society, which wants women to be vulgar, and a vulgar woman has no value.”

“Many are working to bring our culture to the lowest level of decline, but thanks to God Almighty , thanks to your achievements and people like you, Yemeni women will see a lot of good and Yemeni society will see from this woman a lot of good for its society, its people and its children.”

Al-Houthi continued: “You are the ones who raise children and instill in them a culture of patriotism, a culture of respect for others, a culture of coexistence, and this is the responsibility of mothers, sisters and all women.”

For his part, the Culture and Tourism Mini
ster , Dr. Ali Al-Yafei, stressed the importance of creating a development plan for craft products and linking them to marketing factors and increasing production as one of the important projects that serve the development process, pointing to the importance of integration between men and women in promoting and activating this plan.

Minister Al-Yafei directed the Heritage and Cultural Development Fund and the Women’s Center for Crafts and Handicrafts to work on this plan and submit it for discussion , approval and turn it into a work program during the next phase, in order to go towards the priorities set by the revolutionary and political leadership.

He stressed the importance of continuing to support such training and rehabilitation programs because of their role in raising the efficiency of Yemeni women and improving the level of their income and its reflection on the family and social level.

Source: Yemen News Agency