Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

The Head of the National State Forces Alliance, Ammar al-Hakim, described today, Wednesday, the statements of the Zionist entity regarding the Rafah border crossing as lies to obstruct efforts to stop the ceasefire in Gaza.

Al-Hakim said in a statement that the statements issued by the Israeli occupation government regarding the Rafah border crossing with the Arab Republic of Egypt are nothing but lies and pretexts used by the occupation forces to obstruct efforts aimed at a ceasefire in order to continue their aggression and war on the Gaza Strip and their practice of genocide against the Palestinian people and their efforts to implement their expansionist plans. He added that “while we strongly condemn these false statements, we stand in solidarity with the Arab Republic of Egypt,” calling on the international community to exercise all available means to pressure the Israeli entity to stop the war on Gaza and begin rebuilding the Strip and returning the displaced.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency