Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

National Security Advisor Qasim Al-Araji stressed that climate and environmental changes are serious challenges facing humanity.

Al-Araji said in a speech during his participation in the first international conference on climate variables and their impact on health security in Iraq, held in Baghdad / September 22-23: ” The Climate and environmental changes are serious challenges facing humanity, and the responsibility of preserving the environment is a shared and solidarity responsibility among all, to prevent pollution and move towards the optimal use of water.”

He added: “Governments alone cannot deal with the file of climate and environmental changes without the cooperation of societies through rationalization of use and awareness of the dangers of climate and environmental changes, in the service of future generations.”

He continued: “The riparian countries must cooperate and coordinate with each other and develop joint solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change.”

He pointed out that “climate and environmental changes have negative consequences on societies and open the doors to migration, unemployment and crime and portend the decline of societies. There must be serious and real cooperation between all government institutions and popular activities to deal with this serious challenge.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency