Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Supreme Committee of the National Campaign in Support of Al-Aqsa discussed in its weekly meeting today, headed by the Advisor to the President of the Supreme Political Council, Allama Muhammad Muftah, the progress of mobilization work in support of the Palestinian people and their mujahideen in the Gaza Strip, at the official and popular levels.

The committee blessed the military operations of the Yemeni armed forces and their navy, missiles and drones in support of our brothers in Gaza, which are witnessing a continuous escalation and expansion in the ranges and the type of missiles used to target American, British and Israeli ships and warships.

In this regard, it noted the recent joint operations of the armed forces and the Iraqi resistance against enemy ships in the occupied Palestinian port of Haifa and the Mediterranean Sea, which represented an important shift in the course of joint military action by the countries of the axis of resistance to support the Palestinian people and tighten the naval
blockade on the Zionist enemy.

It expressed her deep thanks to the leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and his weekly speeches in support of the free people of Gaza and the Palestinian cause. She stressed that the revolutionary leadership embodies through its words and deeds the sincerity of the position in support of the nation and the effective practical victory of its central cause Palestine through direct confrontation with the Zionist, American and British enemy.

The Committee pointed out that the Yemeni people, through their free and courageous stances in supporting and supporting their brothers in Gaza over the past months, embody the strength of their faith and close attachment to their nation and not to neglect or compromise its issues.

The Committee stressed the continued escalation of economic boycotts of the Israeli, American and British enemy and all Zionist companies supporting the enemy at all official and popular levels, and the non-reluctance to use this painfu
l weapon against the enemies of the nation and humanity as a whole.

It also stressed the importance of continuing media, guidance and field awareness work on the importance of economic boycott and the religious and moral responsibility of various segments of Yemeni society in this aspect.

The Supreme Committee approved the organizational program for the major weekly march, which will be held on Friday afternoon in Al-Sabeen Square in the capital, Sana’a, and the marches that will be held simultaneously in the governorates and districts under the slogan “With Gaza… The fronts of support are steadfastness and jihad.”

It called on the masses of our people to participate massively in Friday’s marches, similar to the million participations witnessed in the capital Sana’a and the free governorates since the start of the blessed Al-Aqsa Flood Battle.

It reiterated the great positive effects of the continuous weekly marches and the rest of the manifestations of support and support for the people of Gaza in the
course of comprehensive confrontation with the Zionist enemy, foremost of which is direct military confrontation.

Source: Yemen News Agency