Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Higher Committee for the Support of Al-Aqsa stood in its weekly meeting on Wednesday, chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Committee, scholar Mohamed Muftah, on the developments of the Zionist aggression and the ongoing war of total extermination on the Gaza Strip.

The Committee reiterated its strong condemnation of the deafening silence and indifference that almost prevails in the Arab and Islamic scene in the face of the daily massacres of the people of Gaza and the scenes of the scattered remains of its children, women, and elderly, which destroy hearts and consciences.

It condemned the escalating criminal approach of the Zionist enemy and the brutal massacres it committed this week against many families and neighborhoods in Gaza, which resulted in the death and injury of hundreds of women, children, and the elderly.

It pointed out that this Zionist incursion, coercion, and escalation should be met with a more severe escalation by the Palestinian resistance men and the free peo
ple in the axis of resistance, the nation, and the world.

The committee affirmed what Commander Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stressed during the week on the inevitability of the next and major response to the crimes of the Zionist enemy, its tyranny, and its persistence.

The Higher Committee reviewed the economic sector’s plan to develop and expand the popular boycott of Israeli and American goods and companies supporting and cooperating with the usurping entity for the coming period.

It stressed the great importance of the plan and its religious, moral, and humanitarian implications and purpose, and urged the Yemeni people to continue their boycott of those goods whose funds are used for the benefit of the Israeli enemy to kill the Palestinian people and serve the expansionist dream and its diabolical criminal projects against the region, its security, stability and religious and cultural identity.

It expressed appreciation and thanks to the Yemeni people for their great interaction with the boycott
campaign during the last period. It stressed that everyone bears a great responsibility to continue the boycott process in support of our religion and our brothers, the Palestinian people, and their just cause.

The Committee also reviewed a report on the progress of the cultural and intellectual program to advocate the Palestinian cause in the education sector, including new research prepared by researchers in several Yemeni universities.

The Committee commended the activities and events carried out within the framework of the programme, and directed those concerned to benefit from research in cultural and intellectual activities and works in the field.

It listened to a briefing from a member of the committee, Khaled Al-Madani, on the ongoing preparations to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad 1446 AH, on his owner and his family the best prayer and the best delivery.

The Committee stressed the integration of its activities with the activities and events of this religious occasi
on that cherishes the hearts and hearts of the people of Yemen as a unifying station for the Yemeni people and a favorable occasion to consolidate the ideology of resistance and the culture of jihad against the enemies of the nation and its stalkers and to promote activities and support for Gaza, its free people and its mujahideen.

The Supreme Committee approved the organizational program for the major weekly march that will be held next Friday in the Sabeen Square in the capital, Sana’a, and the marches that will be held on the same day in the governorates and free districts in support of the vulnerable people of Gaza and their valiant resistance.

It called on the Yemeni people to go out and participate widely in Friday’s marches in such an honorable manner, not only for Yemen but for all the free people of the Arabic and Islamic nations and the whole world.

The Committee had reviewed and approved the minutes of its previous meeting.

Source: Yemen News Agency