Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources Minister , Dr. Radwan Al-Rubai, inspected on Wednesday the workflow at the General Corporation for Grain Development and Production.

During the visit, Dr. Al-Rubai was briefed on the work of the training course for the general mobilization of Al-Aqsa Flood in support of the Palestinians.

He listened, from the Deputy Executive Director of the General Corporation for Grain Development and Production, Eng. Salah Al-Mashriqi, to the corporation’s activities and its role in general mobilization.

For his part, the Deputy Executive Director of the Grain Corporation stressed the keenness of the Corporation and all its members to achieve success in the tasks assigned to them within the agricultural front, to work according to visions and steady steps towards increasing local production of grain crops of various types.

Source: Yemen News Agency