Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Academics and researchers called for strengthening the media role to play a pivotal role in exposing and confronting the Zionist arrogance and its crimes against children, women and defenseless Gazans who have been steadfast for nearly a year.

Participants in an intellectual event at Sana’a University, entitled “The Holy Prophet Birth.” The participants called for the continuation of the painful Yemeni strikes on the occupation entity, the targeting of its ships , goods along the Red , Arabian Seas and Aden Gulf.

Information Deputy Minister, Dr. Omar Daer Al-Bukhaiti referred to the latest crimes of the occupation with its cyber attack against the Lebanese people and their valiant resistance in a new challenge and escalation, stressing that this attack calls for a similar response by the defenders of the Palestinian cause.

The first paper by Dr. Jamila Farea, a member of the university’s faculty, was titled “Palestinian Women: A Model of Persistence and Steadfastness”.

The second paper by researcher Azhar
Fayeh, titled “US policy … deception and misinformation. Deception and misinformation” highlighted the US double standards and the attempt to show the Zionist entity in its war on Gaza as the oppressed and abused, while Washington supports its heinous crimes and supplies it with all kinds of deadly weapons to target the defenseless people trapped inside Gaza Strip.

The third paper, titled “Resistance Axis … Integration of deterrence and unity of response” to characterize what the nation’s positions should be in terms of coordination , joint action to stop the Zionist aggression , its arrogance supported by the US and the West.

Source: Yemen News Agency