A Wide Security Operation Launched West Of Anbar

The Popular Mobilization Commission announced today, Sunday, the launch of a large-scale security operation in western Anbar.

“The security forces and the Anbar Operations Command of the Popular Mobilization Forces carried out a large-scale six-pronged operation targeting the western regions of the province and the border strip with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia,” said the commander of Anbar Operations for the PMF, Qassem Musleh, in a statement.

He added, “The operation is proceeding according to specific goals from six axes, and it will continue for several days,” noting that “there is high coordination between all the units.”

He continued, “The first day witnessed the launch of the first axis, which included a force from the 55th Brigade in the PMF, in partnership with the 5th Division in the Army and the 6th Brigade in the Border Police, while the other five axes were distributed among the 13th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 45th Brigades.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency