Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

RAMALLAH– a grant contract for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) was exchanged today by Nakashima Yoichi, Ambassador for Palestinian Affairs and Representative of Japan to Palestine, and the representatives of al-Khas village council, at the Representative Office of Japan to Palestine in Ramallah, for a total amount of $90,300.

Al-Khas Village council will use the fund to improve the medical service at Aknaf Beit al Maqdes Charitable Society Medical Center by introducing an X-Ray unit and a Hermon test unit.

Nakashima congratulated al-Khas village council and wished them success in their projects. He emphasized Japan’s firm commitment to supporting Palestinian people from a human security perspective as well as the importance of implementing social and economic development projects needed for Palestinian communities.

Since 1993 the Government of Japan has extended its official development assistance amounting to approximately $2.2 billion to the Palestinians. GGP projects have been formulated in collaboration with the Palestinian Authority through the Ministry of Finance and Planning since 2010.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency