Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Israeli occupation soldiers murdered this afternoon a 17-year-old Palestinian boy near the apartheid wall in the village of al-Midya, west of Ramallah, according to the Ministry of Health, making him the fourth Palestinian shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank since yesterday, and the 63rd since the start of this year.

It said the boy, identified as Odeh Mohammad Odeh, was brought to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah in critical condition with a gunshot wound to the chest. However, attempts to save his life failed and he quickly succumbed to his wounds, said the Ministry of Health.

With the Israeli murder of Odeh this afternoon, four Palestinians were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank since yesterday, including a woman killed near Arroub refugee camp in the south of the West Bank, a man shot and killed in the town of Yabad, near Jenin, in the north of the West Bank, and another man shot and killed this morning in Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)