Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The Office of Industry and Trade in Sana’a Province recorded 812 catering violations during the first half of the current year 2024 AD.

Statistics issued by the office, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), showed that these violations were detected during the supervisory committees field inspection on more than ten thousand and 869 establishments and commercial stores, in the center and directorates of the province.

The director of Industry and Trade Office in the province, Fahd Al-Ghorbani, explained that 83 violations had been decided, including 70 previous violations and 10 current violations. He indicated that among the measures taken were closing four commercial stores and referring 28 cases to the prosecution.

He stated that the financial fines, last March, amounted to eight million and 263 thousand and 410 riyals.

Meanwhile, Deputy Director of the Industrial Office, Aziz Al-Khawlani, confirmed that 28 violations had been referred to the prosecution, and a decision had been
made on 423 previous violations and 45 current violations.

He called on citizens to cooperate with the office and report any violations by merchants on the toll-free number ‘174.’

Source: Yemen News Agency