Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Industry and Trade Office in the capital Sana’a destroyed 69 tons and 65 kilograms of various expired and spoiled food items.

The Director of the Industry Office in the capital, Majed Al-Sada, explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the destruction process was carried out in accordance with legal procedures during the period from July 7 to 23, in the presence of a member of the Industry and Trade Prosecution.

Al-Sada called on all merchants in the capital to adhere to the price list issued by Industry and Trade Ministry , as well as bakeries and ovens to sell at the official price and specified weight.. stressing that the office will not hesitate to arrest violators and those who tamper with citizens’ food.

He called on citizens to cooperate with the Industry and Trade Office in the capital and its branches in the directorates, by reporting any commercial violation on the toll-free number 174, which contributes to protecting the consumer.

Source: Yemen News Agency