33rd Arab Summit/ Arab League Secretary-General Stresses Arab, International Rejection of Forced Displacement of Palestinians

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul-Gheit emphasized the Arab and international rejection of the forced displacement of the Palestinian people, as well as its moral, humanitarian, and legal rejection, urging the international community to establish an international peace conference that embodies the vision of the two states that enjoys global consensus.

In his speech before the 33rd Arab Summit, held Thursday in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Aboul-Gheit indicated that peace in the region requires the immediate end of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, and the embodiment of Palestinian states on the 1967 borders.

He highlighted that some Western countries provided political cover for the Israeli entity, noting that the historical Nakba did not erase the Palestinians from existence, especially thanks to their legendary steadfastness on their land, whether in the Gaza Strip or all parts of Palestine.

The Secretary-General pointed out that the region’s crises are still open, and the wounds have
not healed, noting that the most dangerous of them is what is happening in Sudan, in light of what threatens the survival of the state and the lives of millions.

He also considered that the crises in a number of Arab countries, especially in Yemen, Libya, and others, have exhausted the countries and peoples who are still waiting for solutions and settlements that would restore the situation to normal.

Source: Qatar News Agency