Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The General Directorate of Narcotics Affairs announced the seizure of (100) kilograms of Captagon pills and the dismantling of a network specialized in international drug trafficking in Anbar.

The Directorate stated in a statement that according to accurate information indicating that an international drug trafficking network was planning to bring a shipment from the territory of a neighboring country into the country, the Director General of Drug Affairs directed the formation of a specialized working team headed by the Director of the Anbar Drug Affairs Directorate, and through an accurate intelligence operation that took (7) consecutive days, a tight ambush was set up and the perpetrators were arrested in Anbar Governorate red-handed, in their possession of (100) kilograms of Captagon narcotic pills hidden inside a fruit transport vehicle in places that are difficult to reach. He explained that their entire international network, consisting of (4) drug dealers, was dismantled and placed in detention by a
judicial decision for the crime of international drug trafficking.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency